The Month of February brings attention to the heart. What does Heart Health and Valentine’s Day have in common? A lot, it seems. The Month of February brings attention to heart.
The connection between Body and Mind is demonstrated by the “love hormone” called Oxytocin, which our body makes when we feel loved and supported. This is the hormone of connection and the ability to bond with another. Oxytocin can help heal the heart by triggering stem cells to develop into heart muscle. It also stimulates another heart hormone, ANP, that slows the heart rate. Oxytocin is given credit for having a powerful effect on lowering free radicals and reducing inflammation. Bottom line, Love plays a factor in having good heart health.
Have you felt some Love today? Even if you don’t feel it from those around you, you can Love yourself. The BodyTalk system, is designed to assist your body to heal itself. Through our training and ability to listen to the body, we access information that is playing a factor as to why hormones and neurotransmitters are not functioning well enough. Once this information is brought to our attention, techniques are used to reset the chemistry within.
Love yourself enough to want to support the body, mind and spirit to feel well. BodyTalk sessions can assist you with this.
This February of 2019, Susan Lee, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner is offering a special promo with focus on heart health, feeling the love by being supported and connected to self. For You and a Loved One (could be your partner, child, or friend) two sessions for $150.00. Come in for the sessions together to observe what gets highlighted for each other or come in separately.
Got no one who wants to experience this with you? Then book the two sessions just for self – YOU and your loved one YOU. That saves you $50.00 by booking in February and showing yourself some love.
In addition sign up for free BodyTalk sessions. Some of the Saskatoon and area BodyTalk practitioners are doing group sessions for the community of people who love BodyTalk.