Susan Lee, advanced IBA certified BodyTalk practitioner knows that helping clients stay well is just as important as healing injury or illness.  Long term diseases like chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and many others build up over time. Once you have these conditions, they seem to get worse when the body is under stress.  Why not prevent the decline in health and lessen chronic disease experiences by having maintenance BodyTalk treatments?

Your body could be your wellness consultant.  Address the stress factors as they arise.  This is the goal of monthly BodyTalk sessions.  Health Service 4U2B well is encouraging you, to plan ahead. To make a commitment to having support for your Well-Being and Great Health.  There is a special offer for 2018 to take action to improve health and address monthly concerns. Accumulative affects of BodyTalk sessions will also often help lessen seasonal or chronic condition experiences.

Buy one 5 session package at regular price

Have one BodyTalk session each month and that gives you the opportunity to buy your second package of 5 sessions for 1/2 price

Continue to have monthly BodyTalk sessions and Susan Lee owner of Health Service 4U2B well will BONUS 2 more sessions to complete the full year of BodyTalk support

Types of things you might want addressed in a particular month could be: physical pain sensations, allergies, body alignment issues, upsetting emotions due to something current, preparation for something coming up in your life like a surgery, exam, public speaking, sports event OR continued support to heal a disease or possibility of genetic disease due to family inheritance.

Susan Lee has written an article in Wholife Journal   Pick up your copy of the Nov./Dec. issue magazine at these distributors