- Fast – BodyTalk gets to the contributing factors of why the illness / behavior is present. Information given within the body speeds up the healing process.
- Effective – Awareness is brought forward this often changes a perspective bringing the person more balance and in alignment within themselves. Even if the child doesn’t understand what is highlighted to change – the intelligence within that is operating how the body and mind is functioning utilizes the treatment information.
- Comfortable – Child can be doing a quiet activity while parent / caregiver relaxes acting as surrogate for the child’s treatment. Both present to what is being highlighted.
- Convenient – Appointments can be made outside of school / work hours.
- Long lasting – Changes are made within, emotions and beliefs from an active memory disassociated so they can no longer sabotage well-being. Childhood hurts are not carried into adulthood.
- Safe – Every effort is made so the person feels safe with their feelings and thoughts in the present moment.
- Up to Date – International BodyTalk Association is always training their practitioners with most current discoveries on health, energy and quantum science. There is a wealth of information that innate wisdom can draw upon for focus and awareness to be communicated within.
- Based on Wisdom – BodyTalk utilizes the ancient wisdom of Eastern Medicine energy meridians, chakras in addition to the current western anatomy and physiology of the body plus quantum science theories.
- Educates – Susan took Pediatrics for BodyTalk Practitioners and was trained to offer insights
Education offered on the highlighted focus of treatment and to explain the information coming forth in treatment. This training recognizes the relationship between the child and parent being so important in maintaining the well being. Understanding and awareness hold many keys for unlocking what could be better.
- Affordable – A child’s rate is offered. No additional expenses with prescriptions or other products.